The Non-Invasive Prenatal Test (NIPT) is offered as follow-up test when the combined test shows a high chance for chromosomal abnormalities, or in case of a medical need. Studies have shown that the NIPT detects more cases of Down syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome than the combined test, and is also more accurate. The NIPT tests the blood of pregnant woman and therefore has no risks for miscarriages in comparison to other follow-up tests such as amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling. The blood of the pregnant woman contains placenta DNA and DNA from the mother. The placenta DNA is almost always the same as the DNA of the child. The blood is drawn and sent for testing to one of our reference laboratories. Testing for chromosomal abnormalities takes place, allowing the determination of whether the child has Down syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome or Patau’s syndrome. The NIPT can be performed from the 10th week of the pregnancy and also allows the determination of sex. Additional screening for Sickle Cell Disease, B-Thalassemia and Mucoviscidosis can also be performed. Your obstetrician or gynaecologist can tell you more about the different tests.
Within 2 weeks the results are reported. If the NIPT shows a non-abnormal result no follow-up testing is needed. If the NIPT shows an abnormal result, there is a chance that the child does not have the disorder. You can only be certain if you have a chorionic villus sampling test or amniocentesis, but you can always decide not to do follow-up testing. Are you considering the termination of the pregnancy? In that case, you must first undergo a follow-up test to confirm the result. Read more about the procedures in our information folder “Prenatal screening with NIPT” available at LabHOH collection locations.
Contact the FSLMA directly if you would want to make use of our services.
Phone: 527-4905
Email:[email protected]
FSLMA offers DNA paternity testing. Paternity testing provides scientific evidence of whether a man can be a child’s biological father. Paternity is determined by comparing the child’s DNA profile with the DNA profile of the alleged father. This procedure involves collecting and examining the DNA of a small sample of blood from a child and the potential father. DNA testing is generally considered to be the most accurate testing method available. DNA paternity testing can show that a man is highly likely to be the father with about 99.9% accuracy, or that he is excluded as being the father with 100% accuracy. For greatest accuracy in a DNA paternity test, we recommend testing the mother’s sample whenever possible. Your DNA samples will be sent securely in tamper-proof packaging to an accredited (ISO 15189), professional and experienced laboratory in the Netherlands where DNA testing is performed that meets with the highest quality standards. Our laboratory personnel will carefully handle and confidential prepare your DNA samples for processing. In combination with a strict identification procedure (valid identity card), the test is legal. Within 4 weeks the results are reported in a document that can be submitted at law courts and government departments in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Read more about the procedures in our information folder “Legal (DNA) paternity testing” also available at LabHOH collection locations.
Contact the FSLMA directly if you would want to make use of our services.
Phone: 527-4905
Email: [email protected]