During the Covid-19 pandemic there was an increasing demand for easy, reliable, and fast SARS-CoV-2 antigen testing for out of laboratory use. LABHOH promptly responded to this demand in Aruba and collaborated with the University Medical Centre Utrecht (UMCU) to validate the diagnostic performance of the PanbioTM COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test (Abbott). Persons with mild complaints as well as patients submitted to a hospital for Covid-19 treatment (critically ill patients were excluded) were included in this study. RT-qPCR (Seegene Allplex) was used as the reference test for identification of active SARS-CoV-2 infection. The results of this study is reported in this peer-reviewed publication. User friendly and low cost SARS-CoV-2 antigen tests with short turn-around times were widely used in Aruba to improve efforts aimed at controling transmission of the virus during the pandemic.
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Apreciabel coleganan,
Dia 29 y 30 di maart a tuma luga na nos laboratorio microbiología medico otro audit di Conseho di Acreditacion pa loke ta NEN-EN-ISO 15189. E audit a pasa bon.
Auditornan di e Conseho di Acreditacion a felicita nos pa e desaroyo positivo di nos sistema di calidad unda cu despues di mas di 4 aña a logra pone un base solido pa un servicio confiabel c uta cumpli cu e exigencianan halto di calidad: e teamleider a papia di un sistema di calidad ‘madura’.
Ya caba nos a cuminsa traha riba un paar punto di mehoracion cu e audit a trece cune. Nos lo sigui traha duro riba nos calidad halto y sigui mehora nos servicio.
E sistema di calidad actual ta ofrece nos lab un base solido pa expande riba nos tareanan diagnostico y unda cu nos por sigui traha riba servicionan nobo y inovativo.
Nos ta desea di gradici cada un di boso cu sea directo of indirecto a contribui pa asina nos por a logra.
Pasobra…solamente como team nos por realisa esaki! Masha danki!
Audit Microbiologie LABHOH